Thursday, December 31, 2009

New 101 for New year!

i have mostly completed my new 101 list. :3 my goals are more substance.

i have archived my old list. :: pats it on the head:: because well its old.

Compleated (with date in red)
Haven't yet started
In progress

Health: total 14 (6/14)
Maintain goal weight of 145
Maintain goal weight of 138 lbs
Run 2 miles without getting winded
Work up to drinking 16 Fl OZ of water a day for 45 days(45/45) 5-07-09
Brush teeth and floss 2 times a day for 90 days>(90/90) 01-06-2009
Get eye exam and new glasses 3-07-09
Get an IUD ( IUD is getting ordered! i get to set up an appointment and call insurance)
Complete a 24-hour water fast 02-14-09
Complete a 48-hour juice fast
Do not eat fast food/takeout for 90 days (pizza, burger joints etc, Nothing Pre-made.)(90/90) 01-12-09
Take vitamins for 60 days straight (60/60) 12-15-08!
Draft up and make a successful work out routine for myself (0/60) 4 days a week is the minimum
Take 50 20 minuets walks. (Or longer) (7/50)
Complete the 100-pushup challenge, but also do 100 sit-ups as well (I'm getting stronger but its hard!)

Wealth: total 3 (0/3)
Save 6,000.00 in my savings (2000/6,000)
Research Roth IRA's and begin plan to start some. (After 6,000.00 saved)
Begin a CD, research the best way to do this/amounts needed, and do it for 1 year and research a big bank to go with (national or internet). (After 6,000.00 saved)

Smarts: total 05 (0/5)
Memorize the names of all 50 states and be able to place their shapes on a map(0/50)
Practice spelling as well as typing. (Mavis beacon typing teacher etc.) Get up to 60 AWPM no errors
Complete 500 Sudoku puzzles (42/500)
Complete 150 crossword puzzles (0/150)
Get age 20 on Brain age 20 times (0/20) (to count must be archived within 2 tests of each other or it resets)

Spirit: total 09 (1/9)
Smudge my living space once every month for a year (9/12) (START 10/30, 11/15, 12/07, 1/10, 2/08, 3/19, 4/14, 5/18 6/17)
Obtain Reiki Level 3
Obtain my Reiki Masters
Reiki my Bamboo for 30 days in a row, record any results, emotions etc that I gain from this, document and reflect on at the end (30/30)12-30-08
Give myself 15 full Reiki treatments (2/15)
Receive 3 full Reiki treatments (1/3) (4/06)
Get my chakra totems (again)
Meditate 10 minuets a day for 60 days (0/60)
Create a personal spirit book. (spiritual guide book)

Art: total 16 (0/16)
Set up Art Drills to be used by others (OPEN! success with 6 consecutive months of participation) (3/6)
Freelance illustrate for 3 different clients(repeat clients don’t count!) (2/3)
Send out 10 full portfolios. (Old school style- nice prints return envelope etc.) (0/10)
Get 2 gallery shows (Different venues single show or shared with others) (0/2)
Paint enough landscapes to put together into a calendar for sale/gifts
Finish Seraphic
Complete 13 chapters in comic form of Tin Ambition (0/13)
Give/Create 10 fan/Gift art for friends (0/10)
Draft 2 children’s books (complete all that is needed to be published) (0/2)
Complete Beth’s story (written and some story boards)
Complete 30 written chapters of Tin Ambition and created a time line, and major plot points, characters, history etc
Build portfolio x3 – Children’s book, Animation- storyboard/character design and general freelance illustrator portfolios. 13-16 images each (0/3)
Update my art portfolio website (redesign etc)
Create branding, stamps, business cards etc. for my art
Post art on Deviant Art Daily for 30 days. (Weekends I have no interbutts so post 2 on Friday, 2 on Monday) (0/30)
30 Minuet Sketch Set, 45 days straight(0/45)

Crafty: total 10 (0/10)
Make myself a winter coat ( pieces are being sewn together!)
Learn to and complete a knitted sweater (follow a pattern)
Knit or Crochet a leg warmer/arm warmer set.
Enhance sewing skills, be able to sew buttonholes finishing, zippers etc. (No longer feel a pattern is too difficult, unless it is advanced)
Sew 3 shirts for myself (0/3)
Sew 2 pants (1/2) (4/17)
Sew 4 skirts/ Dresses (0/4)
Sew a quilt
Knit 5 hats (0/5)
Knit 2 Dr. Who Scarves (one for me, one for me mum!)

Personal: total 34 (10/34)
Update info on friends and relatives (address and birthdays etc.) 03-20-2009
Put together 2 photo albums (2/2) 11/16/2008
Be able to recognize, and stop negative thoughts for 180 days (180/180) 04/07/2009
Take a jewelry making class
Reach 35,000 words in NaNoWriMo 11/19/08(51,156/35,000)
Read 20 books(0/20)
Read 15 Banned/challenged books (Does not count toward other 20) (0/15)
Read every Hugo award winner (Does not count toward other 20 include the Retro Hugo's) (0/57)
Get a Library card 10/08/2008
See the continental Divide
Get Bristow’s Teeth cleaned/up to date shots 04-11-09
Grow hair 18 inches long (from top of head)
Revamp Resumes (professional and career)
Mail a random person in my address book a card just to let them know I care (10/20)
Take an inventory of all things i have. get rid of 1/3 of it. (create exceptions, like with art supplies, USE 1/3 of it for art. don't just throw it out.)
Take 1 photo a day for a year (the 366 challenge) (0/366)
Get a fire proof safe for my important belongings 10/24/2008
Write a will, and a living will
Clean up and organize my hard drives
Create a full back up (after organized)
Back up my files every month for a year onto a disk (0/12)
Clean out my Itunes, have music I listen to & like, not just a “collection” ( up to M's)
Fill out my Disney movie (animation only) collection on DVD (32/40)
Friends lock my LJ completely and alternately create a Family update page/place11/25/2008
Start a Journal and write in it every day until it is filled
Keep a dream journal for 180 days (58/180)
Create an idea journal, for all art, craft etc idea I get but cannot start on yet
Create a list of all my flaws, decide if I can change these, write the conclusion and burn the list
Complete/beat 3 video games not beaten before 04-21-09 (3/3)
Take Jacob on 5 nice dinners out(5/5) 01-04-09
Go on 20 date nights with Jacob (movies, bowling, walks, random fun activities, Dinner does not count.) (5/20) (11/15/08, 11/28, 02/28/09, 3-21, 3-29)
Cook/bake 20 new recipes (8/20)
Create recipe box of recipes I use most often. Have 35 different recipes in it (i am going to use my current pre-filled recipe box but ADD 35 recipes to it :D)(2/35)
Get a henna tattoo

Do Gooder: total 5 (0/5)
Donate blood 4 times (2/4)
Donate 1,000,000 grains of rice and personal best of level 50 (28500/1000000) (best level: 42)
Donate 3 toys to toys for tots, 2 years (3/3 2008) (0/3)
Donate Food, Toys, and Litter and other cat needs to the Cat care society 3 separate times (minimum 30 dollar donation total each time) (0/3)
Knit 5 scarves for donation to the Red Scarf Project (0/5)

Lists: total 5 (2/5)
Complete an art list of 101 images/projects to complete in 1001 days 10/20/2008
Create NEW 101 list after this one is completed/time runs out (which ever is first)
Make a list of 101 places to visit before I die 04-15-09
Compose a list of 101 things that make me happy
Compose a list of 101 things I like about myself

hahahah oh old list.

Monday, June 29, 2009


OK! my life has been an inferno! seriously.

upon many topsy turvey things happening, i am at the point where i want to cry.

so in my frustration i am revamping the list.

why? well some goals now cannot happen. such as:

photos: my camera is broken.

i realize this list should be more of a motivator and lately its become a stress bucket.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


i just did the math, i have 715 days left, 82 tasks yet to finish.

that means every 8.71 days i must do a new task XD NOOOOOOOOO! time to get a move on.

MAY! nuuuuuuuuuu :O

D: moving at all my time. BUT i finished drinking water (AND I STILL DRINK IT!) \o/! need to make new attack plan. :/ LETS DO THIS!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

another one bites the dust.

WHOO! 1 more goal done which brings my total to 4 for april! i just need to do 3 more to hit my goal of 7. WHOO! and i've also started a few and have stayed pretty strong with them.

The video game goal was a lot easier than i though it would be. i am notoriously bad for NOT finishing a game.

the onse i did - Psychonauts (ps2), Legend of the Valkryia (ps3) & Professor Layton and the mysterious village (DS). Granted 2 of the games didn't go over 40 hours ( and the only reason the valkryia game is because we are playing extra down loadable content and trying to beat the game 100% by collecting all the guns, medals, etc.

(Working out, 30 Min. sketch set, drinking water, Dream Diary)

Im hoping to finish up my computer. :/ ( organizing then backup and itunes organization.) and maybe crank out one more 101 list.

WHOO this is doable!

:/ i need to stop by the bank and move some cash into my savings!

Monday, April 20, 2009

minor update

So out of all the things i've been TRYING to do, i've been getting other things done.


such as:

Pants: i have completed my FIRST pair of pants completely from scratch! YAY! they are a pair for working out/lounging ( like i need more of those.) but the pattern was pretty easy. i had tried to make a pair before, but i have yet to finish them. ( i just need to get some fabric to finish them.) i'll get a photo of them sometime soon.

it was completely on a whim as well.

I've been drinking more water. YAY! ( this is actually really hard)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

list of places to visit.

So i have been working on this list for MONTHS. no really and i always stalled around 30. i decided to make this a simple goal list and i had a MUCH easier time filling it out.

i find it amusing that half the places are parks/places of historical interest. IM A GEEK.

but my 101 list is DONE! i was debatign on taking off the USA places... but why hinder myself that way? cause i really do want to see all of these places (and sadly i haven't been to any of them)

Nami’s 101 ‘What I want to see before I die’ list:

North America: (30)
Grand Canyon, Arizona
Arches National Park, Utah
Aurora Borealis, Alaska
Chichen Itza, Mexico
Denali National Park, Alaska
Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
Visit a ghost town in each continental US state
Vancouver, Canada
Guadalajara, Mexico
Copper Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico
Dinosaur Provincial Park, Brooks, Alberta, Canada
Red Woods Park ( State & or National)
Carlsbad Caverns National Park, New Mexico
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico
Everglades National Park, Flordia
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky
Olympic National Park, Washington
Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
Glacier National Park, Montana
Panama Cannel
Costa Rica
Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
Statue of Liberty
Golden Gate Bridge

South America: (9)
Machu Picchu, Peru
Nazca, Peru
Easter Island/Rapa Nui National Park
Amazon, Brazil
Iguaçu Falls, Brazil
Galápagos Islands
Straight of Magellan
Isla Gorgona
Tierra del Fuego

Asia: (26)
Beijing, China
Koyoto, Japan
Great Wall, China
Potala Palace, Tibet/China
Taj Mahal, India
Petra, Jordan
Chernobyl, Russia
Moscow, Russia
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul Turkey
88 Temple Pilgrimage, Shikoku, Japan
Narrow Road to the Deep North, Japan
Hiroshima, Japan
Koyto, Japan
Mount Fugi, Japan
Bodh Gaya, India
Ellora Caves, India
Elephanta Island, Bombay, India
Agra, India
The Dead Sea
Sir Lanka
Hong Kong
Trans-Siberian Railway ( one long ride)

Africa: (9)
Cape Town, South Africa
Victoria Falls
Great Pyramids, Egypt
Timbuktu, Mali
Kruger National Park, Limpopo
Serengeti National Park
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Okavango Delta, Botswana, Africa
Lesotho, Africa

Europe: (22)
Pompeii, Naples Italy
Coliseum, Rome
Leaning tower of Pisa , Italy
Stonehenge, United Kingdom
Athens, Greece
Moscow, Russia
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland
The Eden Project, St. Austell, England
Roman Baths, England
London, England
Vatican City
Berlin, Germany
Paphos, Cyprus
Notre Dame de Paris, Paris, France
Domaine National de Saint-Cloud, France
Versailles, France
Puy-de-Dôme, France
Vienice, Italy
Florance, Italy
Rhodes, Greece

Australia/Oceania: (5)
Aurora Australis, South Australia
Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Ayers Rock/ Uluru-Kata, Australia
Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
Fiji Islands

Monday, April 13, 2009


whoo in 10 days i finished 2 goals. sadly they were already goals i was on track with finishing.

Bristow's teeth/ shots and thinking positively.

i will write more on the thinking positively because i noticed it REALLY helped. :3

i'm impressed i stuck with the drinking water and dream journal. those were the ones i thought id quite. but instead i let others slide.

OH WELL! now its time to move onwards and upwards. 2 of my goal of 7 are down. 5 more to go. LETS TO IT!

Monday, March 30, 2009

doop doop edit doop.

i will have to be better about uploading photos. :/

this weekend was great! so much so it really makes it hard to wake up earlier on Monday and go to work XD been back on track getting things done. :3 YAY!

have some of my "photo a day photos"

Monday, March 23, 2009

progress? its slow.

I've gotten up to 70 Sudoku puzzles in 1 book, a few on my ds and a few in an other book. XD i need to add them together/ check my puzzles ( i have to check 30 more in the book i do the most) oh man.

Bristow has an appointment in 2 weeks for his teeth cleaning! YAY! then the week after he gets his kitty boosters. i also set him up for a wellness plan. :3

Jacob and i saw the watchmen in Imax. pretty amazing, but i think we will both hold off on imax for a while. haha.

Collected a ton of addys i just need to keep up to date on them. :3

I changed my Trust fund for the kiddo's to a Roth IRA. :3 not that i don't enjoy the fact of doing an early trust fund but an IRA seems to make more scene to me right now. and i honestly doubt i could set up a trust funed without their SSN's so we shall see. (i don't want children for another 5 years at least and i will probably start up trust fund stuff next go around or at least a savings account for one.)

I am starting the 366 challenge today as well as drinking water! ((groan))

more progress soon! (hopefully!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hammer time

Alright! i've got an appointment for Bristow for his shots and a micro chipping this weekend. a doctors visit for me on the 14th of April to get the IUD ball rolling. and i mailed out 5 cards at random! :3 go me!

My goal in April is to work hard core on my Rainbow Faries series. :3

my other goal is to get 7 things done on the list in April. :: nods:: i think this list is really helping me. i've noticed i have been more mellow, roll with the punches but also i have a goal. i see progress every time a strike something off or tack on another day of completion.

lets see if i can rock house now that the sun is out longer and i tend to be happier in the summer.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Beat Valkyria chronicles on Wednesday. its a great game! if you like RP/strategy and own a ps3 i recommended getting this game.

working on other goals :3 chip chip chip. not much to update with though. im boring. XD

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2 tasks in the works 1 done.

have yet to get glasses but i am in the process of getting Bristow up to date YAY!

this means shots and micro chipping appointment are scheduled for the 21st and i need to then schedule a teeth cleaning. XD my mr. man will HATE me.

i am in the process of getting myself into the doctors office as well :/ merh. i hate going to the doctors. >_< but its all good. hopefully this will all be over and down with soon!

not much other to report. D: i need to fix that!

Monday, March 9, 2009


:D so i made some progress YAY! and i have been chipping away at things slowly.

i experiences a bit of burnout. which i am working at over coming. i have a terrible habit of doing to much at a time. sadly no one can keep up "psychotic" pace forever so i went slower this month on my 101.

i went to the doctors for my eyes. (because i needed to and with my tax return i will be able to.) i found out that my eyes are NOT as bad as i though. (yay!) but i will need a new prescription. (boo) but its all good. i got 2 new frames and got a set of lenses for my current pair. so now i go up from 1.5 sets of glasses to a solid 3. (my .5 pair is "emergency" glasses because they are pretty broken, :/ but still wearable)

i am looking into getting Bristow his shots and a teeth cleaning. they have an insurance plan for animals that if i get him a certain plan, it not only covered his shots but 1 free cleaning yearly. and the plan cheaper than getting all the shots & his teeth cleaned. so i'm leaning towards getting insurance for Mr. Kitty. but i want to talk it over with the vet place first. (also should he get sick or need an emergency vet visit they give a discount to all procedures done! how awesome is that?)

i am also waiting to hear back form my doctors. i'm trying to set the IUD in motion. i'm hoping to get it within the next few months.

so that is that. :3 time to start cracken on the rest of the list though. XD haha!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


i have re-vamped my list system. :3

i also have to re-start my journal. which is fine. i have avoided writing in it for 2 weeks now. :/ and i was doing so good!

working at freerice again! yay!

i hope to hammer out the lists here soon. :3 not a whole lot to say other than this list is funny to me. it was made when i needed direction, and now i have some. i'm not completely on track but i feel like i'm getting there. which is all the difference in the world.

lets hope i can finish this list sooner than later. :3 i reserve the right to change it tweak it and modify it, but honestly i think a lot of the stuff on it is still pretty relevant. tra la la

Monday, February 16, 2009


i totally hammered out the water fast. i had done some research before hand but did this task spur of the moment.

it wasn't easy but it wasn't a super challenge. i felt this would be MUCH harder than it actually was. so there is that.

i didn't so anything to exerting though, which i think really helped. i took it as a "slow down" day.

i am up in the air if i will fast again. ... hmmm.

Friday, February 13, 2009

i out of the blue decided today was water fast day.

its 4pm in not very hungry but i cannot stop thinking of food. i am hoping to get some stuff done at home and go to sleep early. blah. i am looking forward to a grand feast on Saturday! i don't see my cracking at this point. i was more worried i wouldn't make it past 1pm.

its funny i have had to water fast before for surgeries etc, but it was always agonizing. this time i'm slightly disappointed. i am not really fighting my will power. of course i say this now, as the hardest part is about to happen.

hardest part = me at home with tons of food and a roommate who will make supper D: oh well!

what i have noticed? i'm irritable, and frustrated a lot easier but i'm not flying off the handle. the one thing i was worried about hasn't happened (yet) also. and that is having my blood sugar tank and i have to consume something. i do not have shakes or anything.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It is funny how much a "renewed scene of purpose" changers out outlook/productivity.

a few days ago i had an art breakthrough. it was amazing.

now i am working on fixing me again. i am by no means broken,i just meed refinement. HOOOO. in the mean time i have some goals here that will really get some attention soon!


last 2 days i have donated 4500 grains of rice! my goal is 10,000 a week for the rest of February.

Monday, February 9, 2009

doop doop

My January list in review! aka: things i actually DID.

continue with workout
Add $500.00 to savings.
Smudge apartment
Keep doing/promoting art drills
keep up with positive thinking
keep on growing hair
add 4 movies to Disney movie collection.
work on filling journal

i failed a LOT of my goals however i found i was also in a flux. which is fine. its not like i only have 4 weeks to finish the rest of my list. but i was also working on a freelance project. i think i have grown a LOT from doing this. i have become more accepting of my self :D more accepting of my faults, and accepting of a preconceived 'failure' its really cool.

i have some goals for this month.

Juice fast
get my 101 Lists done
Keeping up with things in progress (rice, blood, happy thoughts, smudging) and start 2 new goals not listed.

all in all i finally feel great.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

not dead. and i didn't stop this. just busy. D:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15 update

oh man.

so i went over and altered my list as to what was in progresses and what is not.

i have a lot going down this month. so i will not be as productive but its cool. :D i am learning form this list so that is good. :: sagly nods::

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


1 of 6 goals down!

WHOO I'm 1/10th done my list. SWEET.

Brushing my teeth 2 times a day was easy. flossing was the hard part. my gums bleed SO much when i first started but now i think they are MUCH happier and healthier. so really it was a good thing. it also became programmed in my head honestly the last 30 days i was like " ohh i woke up/ about to go to bed time to brush and floss"

:: nods:: it was a good goal though because the first 30 days i was like " oh man personal hygiene? yuck!" OK not REALLY but it was adjusting my bedtime habit to include teeth brushing and flossing which was hard to do.

ALSO i am editing my workout goal. :D because christmas week i was a very bad girl, and TECHNICALLY i followed the goal, but not really. i think i worked out 2 times that week >_< SO in light of my 'technicality' not BREAKING the rule i changed it to be more cut and dry. again i am not trying to bust my chops with this but create good habits. so i'm re-starting and adhering ((so far...))

10 done.
91 to do.
working on an ungodly amount of them XD ahahaha.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so last night i looked over my list and set up some goals for January

Complete 6 goals: (goals coming to completion count)

Maintain weight of 145 (for 10 days considered a success then move to next weight goal.)
Drink 16 OZ of water a day for 45 days
Brush and floss 2 times a day
Do not eat fast food
continue with workout.
add 5 20 minuet walks to my list.

Add $500.00 to savings.

add 30 sudoku puzzles to count, and get an up to date count.
Smudge apartment
Give self 3 more full reiki treatments.

Keep doing/promoting art drills
Paint 2 landscapes to go into calender
work on my logo/branding for my art (color scheme imagery etc)
do 30 min sketch set challenge.

finish my winter coat
work on sewing skills. ((buttons and zippers))

Finish adding freinds addresses in addy book.
keep up with positive thinking
finish 2 books.
keep on growing hair
finish cleaning and organizing hard drives
create full backup
start monthly backup
organize i tunes
add 4 movies to Disney movie collection.
work on filling journal
continue with my idea journal
do the list of flaws and create battle plan.
do 1 date night with Jacob
cook 2 new recipes
add 3 recipes to my recipi book.

Donate blood
Donate 26000 grains of rice through free rice

finish 101 places i want to visit before i die
finish 101 things that make me happy
finish 101 things i like about myself.

again pretty lofty. but i can do it. its more just hacking away with what I'm already doing.

i also altered a few goals. i was on the fence with this but in the end this list if for me. those things i wasn't 100% sold on and we kinda like a place holder. i will probably add them back in later but honestly i am already in a different space then i was when i made the list 3 months ago. so instead of making it a list with lackluster goals I'm not interested in anymore, i am making it more worth while for myself. :D

Monday, January 5, 2009

new years!

9 things down. a few more on the way.

i now will look over my current 'list' and decide what shall be done next. i have an art project in the works currently though so i think progress will be slow. that comes first. :D

more in the future as to the new attack pattern.