Monday, March 30, 2009

doop doop edit doop.

i will have to be better about uploading photos. :/

this weekend was great! so much so it really makes it hard to wake up earlier on Monday and go to work XD been back on track getting things done. :3 YAY!

have some of my "photo a day photos"

Monday, March 23, 2009

progress? its slow.

I've gotten up to 70 Sudoku puzzles in 1 book, a few on my ds and a few in an other book. XD i need to add them together/ check my puzzles ( i have to check 30 more in the book i do the most) oh man.

Bristow has an appointment in 2 weeks for his teeth cleaning! YAY! then the week after he gets his kitty boosters. i also set him up for a wellness plan. :3

Jacob and i saw the watchmen in Imax. pretty amazing, but i think we will both hold off on imax for a while. haha.

Collected a ton of addys i just need to keep up to date on them. :3

I changed my Trust fund for the kiddo's to a Roth IRA. :3 not that i don't enjoy the fact of doing an early trust fund but an IRA seems to make more scene to me right now. and i honestly doubt i could set up a trust funed without their SSN's so we shall see. (i don't want children for another 5 years at least and i will probably start up trust fund stuff next go around or at least a savings account for one.)

I am starting the 366 challenge today as well as drinking water! ((groan))

more progress soon! (hopefully!)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hammer time

Alright! i've got an appointment for Bristow for his shots and a micro chipping this weekend. a doctors visit for me on the 14th of April to get the IUD ball rolling. and i mailed out 5 cards at random! :3 go me!

My goal in April is to work hard core on my Rainbow Faries series. :3

my other goal is to get 7 things done on the list in April. :: nods:: i think this list is really helping me. i've noticed i have been more mellow, roll with the punches but also i have a goal. i see progress every time a strike something off or tack on another day of completion.

lets see if i can rock house now that the sun is out longer and i tend to be happier in the summer.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Beat Valkyria chronicles on Wednesday. its a great game! if you like RP/strategy and own a ps3 i recommended getting this game.

working on other goals :3 chip chip chip. not much to update with though. im boring. XD

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2 tasks in the works 1 done.

have yet to get glasses but i am in the process of getting Bristow up to date YAY!

this means shots and micro chipping appointment are scheduled for the 21st and i need to then schedule a teeth cleaning. XD my mr. man will HATE me.

i am in the process of getting myself into the doctors office as well :/ merh. i hate going to the doctors. >_< but its all good. hopefully this will all be over and down with soon!

not much other to report. D: i need to fix that!

Monday, March 9, 2009


:D so i made some progress YAY! and i have been chipping away at things slowly.

i experiences a bit of burnout. which i am working at over coming. i have a terrible habit of doing to much at a time. sadly no one can keep up "psychotic" pace forever so i went slower this month on my 101.

i went to the doctors for my eyes. (because i needed to and with my tax return i will be able to.) i found out that my eyes are NOT as bad as i though. (yay!) but i will need a new prescription. (boo) but its all good. i got 2 new frames and got a set of lenses for my current pair. so now i go up from 1.5 sets of glasses to a solid 3. (my .5 pair is "emergency" glasses because they are pretty broken, :/ but still wearable)

i am looking into getting Bristow his shots and a teeth cleaning. they have an insurance plan for animals that if i get him a certain plan, it not only covered his shots but 1 free cleaning yearly. and the plan cheaper than getting all the shots & his teeth cleaned. so i'm leaning towards getting insurance for Mr. Kitty. but i want to talk it over with the vet place first. (also should he get sick or need an emergency vet visit they give a discount to all procedures done! how awesome is that?)

i am also waiting to hear back form my doctors. i'm trying to set the IUD in motion. i'm hoping to get it within the next few months.

so that is that. :3 time to start cracken on the rest of the list though. XD haha!