Friday, April 16, 2010

april update

update post! huzzah!

i have done the 30 day budget. it was good but hard. i got itchy towards the end looking forward to "being able to spend." :/ BUT i adhered to it. so go me.

it was the first thing to get crossed off the list LOL.

Keep car clean for 200+ days. well, i FINALLY got around to this. :D i still need to empty the trunk out. but it has donation stuff in it. i know i know but the thing im most proud of, the back seats are clean, and clear. i could have 5 people in my car! im also REALLY looking forward to cleaning the seats. there's a 'spot cleaner' i saw a bit ago. plan on hitting that up. :3 make my car all purdy! the spot cleaner is a bit "above and beyond" so go me!

this stays general cause... yeah. need to round up all sketch books, take a count and start filling them.
i really want to start my 20 min sketch set as well as update my sketch blog. :o oh man. sketches.
i made a list of the "as of right now" tattoos as well as unfinished art list coming INTO this 1001 days. the new ones i have since then DUN COUNT. (as i have new projects... oh ffff)
working to upload stuff to day aka finished pretties! :3 sketches dun count
and finally 10 different methods/media :D i have started in on this and used my new copic. <3 YAY

Crafty: i have started seWing a holder for my copic markers. also, workign on a scarf! :3 hope to finish it end o may. :/ as im lame and don't focus on it. :/ LAME NAMI.

worken out. (workign at workign out) but thankfully i have my gym pass, and do wally ball and have workout dvds. there is no reason why i cant be doing this more. so HUZZAH!

thats all i got for now. yay im doing things!

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