Wednesday, October 22, 2008

in the right frame of mind

so ive noticed that actually FOCOUSEING on postive thoughts is makeing me be more postive... WHUT! well im not dwelling, and yes there are good days and bad days i find im just letting it ride a lot sooner than normally. such as i will stop myself BEFORE i finish the though or evenr start to formulate it in my head.


it was something ive noticed a little the last few days but REALLY today. i kinda have a tendancy to develope road rage if left unchecked. ie: exhasperate with all the idiot drivers who cut me off, speed and are generally unsafe.

its very nice to see im improving only after a few days. i cant wait to see what half a year does to me.


also i turned on at least 1 person to the list. :D yay! spread the disease!

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