i will have to be better about uploading photos. :/
this weekend was great! so much so it really makes it hard to wake up earlier on Monday and go to work XD been back on track getting things done. :3 YAY!
have some of my "photo a day photos"
Cause lists make the world go round
Last updated 05/27/2010
Compleated (with date in red)
Haven't yet started
In progress
36 landscape paintings (0/36)
Make a 12 month calendar + cover image (flowers and gemstones) (0/13)
Upload art onto DA 30 days in a row (days with no internet, upload the next day with internet making up missing days.) (0/30)
Finish Children’s book portfolio (0/13)
Finish Character Design portfolio (0/13)
Finish Landscape/Storyboard/Background/Item portfolio (0/13)
Finish Freelance portfolio (0/16)
Make 7 story boards (0/7)
Complete 6 ‘one shot’ comics (0/5)
Add 300 pieces to DA of finished work, not sketches (15/300)
Update sketch blog two times a week for 30 weeks ()
Sculpt 5 figurines; take at least two to a painted finish (0/5)
20 Minuet Sketch Set, 45 days straight (0/45)
Do the 100 heads a day challenge (30 days)
Do the 100 hands a day challenge (30 days)
Do the 100 30-60 sec poses a day challenge (30 days)
Show art in 3 gallery shows (Different venues single or shared) (0/3)
Send out 7 full portfolios. (Old school style- nice prints return envelope etc.) (0/7)
Try 10 different methods/processes for art. Do 3 completed pieces for each method 1st: Copic marker 1/3, coloring line art w/ WC 1/3, Sketching directly on the watercolor paper 1/3 (0/10)
Work on 10 monthly challenge piece, choose an aspect to work on practice and do a full process for it (0/10)
Create a watermark for all work
Do 5 different art challenges (Illustrating the alphabet in 30 days, illustrating a different fairy tale/fable A-Z animals)
Create 3 Naminational Mascots, and three logos
Fill all sketch books 100% (0/)
Make element meditation squares
Create Reiki Scrolls for decoration
Make 10 objects Spiritual related (dream catcher, pouch to hold cards, etc)
Make list of all tattoos I want, make list and design all of them, get 1 of them
Make list of all unfinished projects, finish all of them
Sew 30 objects (0/30)
Sew 3 quilts
Sew 3 pants
Sew 3 shirts
Sew 3 dresses or skirts
Sew 3 coats (1 must be for winter use)
Learn to read Knitting/ Sewing/ Crochet patterns, for Knitting/Crochet be able to do 6 different patterns
Knit/Crochet 50 Scarves
Knit/Crochet 15 hats
Knit/Crochet 5 sets of gloves
Knit or Crochet 5 leg warmer
Knit or Crochet 5 arm warmer set
Learn to and complete a knitted sweater (follow a pattern)
Make 70 bracelets
Make 35 necklaces
Make 20 Pendants
Do Gooder:
Knit 30 bandages for (http://www.leprosybandages.blogspot.com/) (0/30)
Knit/Crochet 10 scarves for donation to the Red Scarf Project http://orphan.org/index (0/10)
Donate to toys for tots each Christmas season (0/2)
Pass 1,000,000 grains of rice on freerice.org (0/1,000,000)
Donate to a local nonprofit once a month for a year (min $10.00 a month) (0/12)
Donate blood 8 times (0/8)
Finance: Create a budget, stick to it for 30 days (30/30) 3-30-2010
Create a budget, stick to it for 60 days (0/60)
Create a budget, stick to it for 120 days (0/120)
Put 6 months of earnings into savings
Work out 4 times a week for 26 weeks in a row (0/26)
Complete the 100 pushup challenge
Complete the 200 sit-up challenge
Complete the 200 squat challenge
Run 5 miles (in one go) without getting winded
Go ‘no meat’ for 30 days (eggs dairy ok, no meat)
Drink only water for 30 days (no soda, coffee, tea, juice, smoothies etc)
Run/Bike a total of 1001 miles (0/1001)
Do not crack knuckles, neck, back for 45 days (1/45 start:5/26)
Get Artist Working back up running and add 12 new challenges (0/12)
Take full inventory of my stuff keep inventory digitally
updated for 1 year, every other month with photos (6 months) (0/6)
Get rid of or donate 1/3 of my ‘stuffy’ (create exceptions, like with art supplies, USE 1/3 of it for art, and don’t just throw it out if it CAN be used.)
Fill 3 dead tree journals with rants dreams, happenings, and such
Read 35 books, 5 being non fiction (0/35)
Read 50 books in the ‘100 classics’ on the DS (0/50)
Re-become ambidextrous
Take 1 photo a day for a year (the 366 challenge) (0/366)
Practice good posture & proper breathing for 180 days straight (00/180)
Clean out car keep clean for 200 days (23/200 start 4-01-2010)
Make 100 new recipes from my cookbooks & online (19/100)
Bake 50 different cookies from ‘Betty Crocker cookie book’ (2/50)
Bake 10 different types of bread (1/10)
For one month, buy food/supplies on a ‘day to day as need’ basis (0/30)
Write a will, a living will
Fold 3 sets of 1000 paper cranes, 1 recycling old art (0/3)
Sell 30 pieces of original work (0/30)
Work on correcting 8 bad habits. (/8)
Compile all handouts I have, arrange them for easy reference or toss those that I don’t need
Arrange 20 get together with friends (potluck, picnic, pickup Frisbee, game night) (3/20)
Meditate for 30 days in a row
Obtain Reiki Masters
Reiki self 3 times a week for 8 weeks
Don't swear for 101 days
Complete 500 Sudoku puzzles (0/500)
Complete 250 crossword puzzles (0/150)
Go to 15 different museum/natural monument/places to learn (art museum, zoo etc) (2/15)
Choose a subject to study a month 12 times (0/12)
Re-Read 15 Art books, takes notes and do 2/3rds of exercises if applicable
Study 1 Language; get to basic conversational level. (0/2)
Finish Tin Ambition (draft)
Edit Tin Ambition (1 complete go)
Win a NaNo’s at 75,000+
Write 1 children’s book and get it finished (art/story ready to publish)
Write 5 drafts of children’s books (0/5)
Do 2 NaNo’s outside of November and win one
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