Tuesday, January 6, 2009

so last night i looked over my list and set up some goals for January

Complete 6 goals: (goals coming to completion count)

Maintain weight of 145 (for 10 days considered a success then move to next weight goal.)
Drink 16 OZ of water a day for 45 days
Brush and floss 2 times a day
Do not eat fast food
continue with workout.
add 5 20 minuet walks to my list.

Add $500.00 to savings.

add 30 sudoku puzzles to count, and get an up to date count.
Smudge apartment
Give self 3 more full reiki treatments.

Keep doing/promoting art drills
Paint 2 landscapes to go into calender
work on my logo/branding for my art (color scheme imagery etc)
do 30 min sketch set challenge.

finish my winter coat
work on sewing skills. ((buttons and zippers))

Finish adding freinds addresses in addy book.
keep up with positive thinking
finish 2 books.
keep on growing hair
finish cleaning and organizing hard drives
create full backup
start monthly backup
organize i tunes
add 4 movies to Disney movie collection.
work on filling journal
continue with my idea journal
do the list of flaws and create battle plan.
do 1 date night with Jacob
cook 2 new recipes
add 3 recipes to my recipi book.

Donate blood
Donate 26000 grains of rice through free rice

finish 101 places i want to visit before i die
finish 101 things that make me happy
finish 101 things i like about myself.

again pretty lofty. but i can do it. its more just hacking away with what I'm already doing.

i also altered a few goals. i was on the fence with this but in the end this list if for me. those things i wasn't 100% sold on and we kinda like a place holder. i will probably add them back in later but honestly i am already in a different space then i was when i made the list 3 months ago. so instead of making it a list with lackluster goals I'm not interested in anymore, i am making it more worth while for myself. :D

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