Thursday, May 27, 2010

may update


see my update!

oh progress... or the lack there of. XD haha. i mean i've backed some things but completely have to do over other goals like updating my sketch blog! D: i was doing so good too.

needless to say there has just been some baking/cooking progress. :3 this progress is delicious.

i will probably start a "short story nano challenge" in June. the goal will be just write 50,000 words of nothing in particular as i may have way to many plots in my brain at the moment. but if i can do ~2000 a day it will be good. <3.

June has some challenges to it, i plan on attacking:
2 bad habits. (flossing and vitamins!)
1 outside nano
organizing, (the beginning) of documenting all that i have. (suck) and removing 1/3rd of it. (yay) :3
ART! artartart
baking <3
reading! i hope to finish 2 books or be veeeeeery close to 2.

there are some more but this is what i will focus on. :D yay small but big lists!