Monday, December 29, 2008


Jolly Holiday!

mine has been full of busyness. all good mind you. but man, i need a vacation from my vacation.

:D work on 101 is slow this ending of the month. i am workign my butt off on totally cleaning the apartment. :3 it looks MUCH nicer but still a long way to go. @_@

i currently have a list of 88 things to work on, 22 of those things are personal/ not in the apartment (( like my car)) and i have completed 41 items on the list. :D


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


so i am happy but sad.

Happy: so close to 145. i weighed in at 146.5 last night :D and i can SEE my legs toning. sweet.

Sad: i am having to alter my 100 push up challenge. i am going to do Modified push ups first then go back and do real push ups. i for some reason have the HARDEST time building upper body strength =(. i am doing other arm strengthening activities so here is hoping.

Monday, December 15, 2008


OK! the no fast food thing is getting harder... OH MAN! some weeks i really don't notice but when the weather is crappy? there is nothing i want more than bad food in my belly. i am REALLY glad I'm doing this though. i am also hoping to NOT run out and eat some burger joint after i finish my 90 days. i have 30 left. here we go!

As for other things, slowly chipping away at the 'to do'. sadly i have had to suspend a lot of my "December" to do. UEG. I've been so busy! it's rediclious!.

the good news is i may have another art job lead, so here's hoping!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

general overview

need to get 1 more toy for toys for tots! i added another year because, i really like this! :D yay for giving! i also adding cat care society donations 3 separate times because i really want to give more of myself. i think i can, so now its going to happen.

i am working on art drills! it is no longer that but has morphed and grown into something bigger! i still want to keep the idea alive so within the community i will keep art drills going, but i am so excited with the response!once it is squared away i will begin pimping it hardcore. :D

slowly working up there with savings. the automatic debit is REALLY helping. i am looking into bumping up to 15% of my paycheck going to savings. but I'm also debating on a loan payoff plan. i need to hunker down and make some serious financial planning to adhere to in 2009. :: nods:: its time to stop messing around and just suck it up.

i have a feeling the next few years of my life will suck and be hard, BUT i would rather make the sacrifices NOW than later. a lot of my problems come from lifestyle/how i was raised. i need to make steps to break those patterns and become the money master i know i am. :: inhale, exhale::

Monday, December 8, 2008

general update

whoo slowly chipping away at my 101 list! coming up here soon i will have flooded completion of a few things!

working out is a chore still. some days I'm all into it, others, not so much.

working with a few people online to start up an art drill website on LJ. (more info when i got it!)

my one complaint is I'm still exhausted all the time. i don't know why i think next month will be different. (( i didn't expect that for December actually...)) oh well! maybe it will be! COMMON JANUARY!

the problem is i don't know how much sleep i as a person needs. i think i'm going to aim for 7.5 hours nightly. because going on the 'natural body rhythms' you sleep in 1.5 hour sleep waves. here's hoping!

making shells Wednesday! :D yay for new recipe

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Art Drills GO!

I might have an LJ community for the Art Drills!

I made mention to a community I'm in after everyone did a self snark extravaganza, and i got an overwhelming positive response. @_@

we shall see!

Monday, December 1, 2008


It's December!

:D i also made my NaNo Goal but then i also WON NaNo this year which is AMAZING. 51,000 words is what i closed in around. and man all i have to say is i am floored it was so easy but was just working steady.

but now November is done and i must move on to other things... HAHA. victory is mine!