Monday, December 29, 2008


Jolly Holiday!

mine has been full of busyness. all good mind you. but man, i need a vacation from my vacation.

:D work on 101 is slow this ending of the month. i am workign my butt off on totally cleaning the apartment. :3 it looks MUCH nicer but still a long way to go. @_@

i currently have a list of 88 things to work on, 22 of those things are personal/ not in the apartment (( like my car)) and i have completed 41 items on the list. :D


Wednesday, December 17, 2008


so i am happy but sad.

Happy: so close to 145. i weighed in at 146.5 last night :D and i can SEE my legs toning. sweet.

Sad: i am having to alter my 100 push up challenge. i am going to do Modified push ups first then go back and do real push ups. i for some reason have the HARDEST time building upper body strength =(. i am doing other arm strengthening activities so here is hoping.

Monday, December 15, 2008


OK! the no fast food thing is getting harder... OH MAN! some weeks i really don't notice but when the weather is crappy? there is nothing i want more than bad food in my belly. i am REALLY glad I'm doing this though. i am also hoping to NOT run out and eat some burger joint after i finish my 90 days. i have 30 left. here we go!

As for other things, slowly chipping away at the 'to do'. sadly i have had to suspend a lot of my "December" to do. UEG. I've been so busy! it's rediclious!.

the good news is i may have another art job lead, so here's hoping!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

general overview

need to get 1 more toy for toys for tots! i added another year because, i really like this! :D yay for giving! i also adding cat care society donations 3 separate times because i really want to give more of myself. i think i can, so now its going to happen.

i am working on art drills! it is no longer that but has morphed and grown into something bigger! i still want to keep the idea alive so within the community i will keep art drills going, but i am so excited with the response!once it is squared away i will begin pimping it hardcore. :D

slowly working up there with savings. the automatic debit is REALLY helping. i am looking into bumping up to 15% of my paycheck going to savings. but I'm also debating on a loan payoff plan. i need to hunker down and make some serious financial planning to adhere to in 2009. :: nods:: its time to stop messing around and just suck it up.

i have a feeling the next few years of my life will suck and be hard, BUT i would rather make the sacrifices NOW than later. a lot of my problems come from lifestyle/how i was raised. i need to make steps to break those patterns and become the money master i know i am. :: inhale, exhale::

Monday, December 8, 2008

general update

whoo slowly chipping away at my 101 list! coming up here soon i will have flooded completion of a few things!

working out is a chore still. some days I'm all into it, others, not so much.

working with a few people online to start up an art drill website on LJ. (more info when i got it!)

my one complaint is I'm still exhausted all the time. i don't know why i think next month will be different. (( i didn't expect that for December actually...)) oh well! maybe it will be! COMMON JANUARY!

the problem is i don't know how much sleep i as a person needs. i think i'm going to aim for 7.5 hours nightly. because going on the 'natural body rhythms' you sleep in 1.5 hour sleep waves. here's hoping!

making shells Wednesday! :D yay for new recipe

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Art Drills GO!

I might have an LJ community for the Art Drills!

I made mention to a community I'm in after everyone did a self snark extravaganza, and i got an overwhelming positive response. @_@

we shall see!

Monday, December 1, 2008


It's December!

:D i also made my NaNo Goal but then i also WON NaNo this year which is AMAZING. 51,000 words is what i closed in around. and man all i have to say is i am floored it was so easy but was just working steady.

but now November is done and i must move on to other things... HAHA. victory is mine!

Monday, November 24, 2008

chip chip chiping away

so i had a HORRIBLE headache on Friday, and it carried over to Saturday and i sis not work out either day. -_- this beings up the question 'what is considered a fault on working out?' well i though about it and while i was in no physical condition to work out i still wanted to. i was upset that i didn't. and granted its only the beginning of the work out but still i don't want to lose those days i was good one. i technically have already done over half that but it didn't count because i was only working on 100 push up challenge.

a lot of things on this list are a challenge, and while i think that is a good thing, i also don't want to hinder myself and make it harder than i need to. that isn't a good idea generally. SO i have decided, if i do not do a whole week of working out, then i have to start over. i have a busy life and missing 1-2 days is unfortunate, however it doesn't happen frequently, but when you have a migraine its hard to move in general. but luckily i don't get migraines often.

i have been doing well on this challenge list, but also i am learning to help myself and work smart not extra hard. i have some sick notion that the more effort i put into something and the more complicated it gets, then clearly its more worth it.

there is beauty is simplicity.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

5 of 101 down!

writing was super slow yestersday. i only hit 2000 or so words (( HAHAHAHAHA)) BUT i heit 35000 last night :D WHOOOOOOOO!!!!

I am hoping in the next 10 days to add 25000 to that >_<

i am also hoaping that next week i can finish locking my LJ. :D SUPPER PRODUCTIVE! and by super productive i mean "not so much" BUT thenw i can focouse on everything else :D

and locking LJ is a mind numbing task i can do at work.

i need to put monies in my bank account! >_< i litterally just havnt stopped by the bank >_<

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

a list of the list

So with November being my slack month I have decided to make a lift for the list I’m working on ((I just felt physics break.)) this is to get me on track of the 101 things again. While I’m currently working on 40 of the list ((almost HALF OMG.)) I need to start making better headway after frolicking in NaNo for 30 days.

From now to December 31 I plan to:
· Hit 145 consecutively
· Drink 8oz at work 4 days a week
· Add half of all Christmas cash received to savings
· Complete 35 Sudoku puzzles
· Reiki my Bamboo for 30 days starting December 1st
· Complete my winter Jacket (completely sewn, hemmed, buttoned, and wearable)
· Research Water and Juice fasting, and prepare to do this.
· Smudge apartment 2 times ((1 does not count for the monthly smudge))
· Give self 2 full Reiki Treatments that last for 30 minuets or more
· Finish my Journal
· Start Dream Journal
· Enter 10 pages into idea journal, 1 page – 1 idea and explanation of it.
· Have completed up to week 4 of 100 pushup challenge
· Start 1 red scarf and get 50% completed
· Donate blood again (available on December 15th.)
· Donate toys to toys for tots
· Pick landscape photos for water coloring
· Begin portfolio work
· Finish lists of 100 things: Places to go before I die, what makes me happy, what I like about myself
· Donate 50,000 grains of rice at free
· Continue with what I am already working on and reaching to goal!

WHOO lets get cracking.

Monday, November 17, 2008

another one down!

WOAH! and then all the sudden i did a munch of stuff!

i finished my photo albums. YAY! i actually and proably going to make a 3rd and have that be only of landscapes. :D i have finished the 2 and here is what is in them.
1- Christmas with family (( bit extended family and my mom dad and sister.))
2- Me through they years, and family, and freinds and pets and boyfreind.

it made me really happy to put those together. it was juSt such a happy feeling i felt flipping through old memories. i printed about 230 photos and used almost all of them. damn.

also i did some smudging and some reiki to try to get my life on track. there has been a bought of negative energy following me for the last few weeks. and yes it is a lesson, and i am trying to learn it but still.

other than that Jacob and i rented some movies, and bought some junk food and had a movie night.

personally that displayed to me the best thing ever. i ate only half of a candy bar. (( what the big deal?)) well usually i would DEVOURE it. but no ive been workign hard to listen to my body and only eat when hungry. (( granted i also split a tub of popcorn with him to, but ANYWAY. i feel like ive been making a big deal of me not eating, well over eating. and frankly it IS a big deal. how i have been eatign for YEARS affect me. i am still a fast eater im tryign to slow down. i still engourge myself. im trying to lean my cut off. its like listening to tone below my audiabel hearign capeability.

i also notice i have a lot of "hungry" signals that might not mean hunger but instead may mean thist or full. ive just miss read these signals for so long i always associate them with hunger. im working hard to fix my horriable relationship with food. its hard long and painful but worth it in the end.

other than that just grinding away on other goals.

the no fast food is HARD. so much harder than 2 weeks ago. but im 1/3 done THANK GOD. i hope the last 2 months are less painful. -_-

brushing teeth is becoming habit, as is taking pills XD YAY! all in all becoming a better me.

in progress 40/97
completed 4/101

Thursday, November 13, 2008

blah blah blah

man NaNo has eaten my life. :D but its good it looks like i can hit my 35000 word goal! but my secret goal is to win 50,000 here i come! im about 8,000 behind where i want to be. so i have to kick it into overdrive these next few days :D but i love where the story is going. there are some parts that are weak but i plan on fixing that when i go back to edit. ::nods::

other than that hanvent really focoused on anythgin new, and have been tryign to fit in a few things here and there. sewing the coat arms on is hard! i also think i will need to take it in a bit... hmmm but its getting there! ive decided to make the coat a early spring/lining jacket. im quite nervouse about sewing buttons on it though >_< ive never done buttons... but i shall tackle that in December! or at least end of November.

blah, my car keeps eating into my savings! but ive been keeping track of how much i owe my savings so i will pay that back on top of what i owe for 101. but i will have to do that starting January. Cause you know, tis the season and all that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

nano and excersising

whoo finially focousing on somethign other than Car issues and NaNo (( which i havent focoused on as much as i should. im about 50% behind my projected scedule (( i wanted to be at 22000 words today! im only at 10500 currently!)) i hope to hammer out a bunch tonight. HERES HOPING!

but im taking this moment to print up all my excersises from Spark People. :D I plan on makeign a great workout scedule with these. the great thing is there are so MANY excersised i will rotate them around (( i did this like 4 months ago? and man it worked great!)) i mean especially with the crunches. my goal is to have 30 core excersises to rotate through, 10-15 arm and leg excersises.

and now that i have a ball i can do the ball excersises GASP! im not sure how i feel about the resistance band though... hmmmm.

the 100 pushup challeneg is going SO SLOWLY! omg. BUT im making sure to do it right, and also not hurt myself. which is more important that i do it well than do it. >_< it takes me SO LONG to built upper body strength. which is why im now adding in other excersises.

Lastnight was the first night i did both the 100 puchup challenger wweek 2 work out with soem other arm excersises... OH MY GOD IT WAS SO PAINFUL! but this morning im not sore at all. YAY!

ive noticed a slight differance in my stomach too! its a little firmer (( this could be a placebo!)) so i am measueing myself weekly. : 0

Monday, November 10, 2008


oh November! how busy you are.

ive been makeing steady progress, but still need to kick it up a notch (( atleast i FEEL this way.)) my personal life has been so hectic i can barely take care of the things ive be doing all along surrently.


i need to put money in the bank, but im thinkign i will wait. this is crunch time, with hours and such at work (( im hourly and im losing 16 hours each month, for the next 2-3 months.))

Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years maybe. >_< burg. i hate money ((ok i hate worrying about it)) luckley i have my savings back up to 1000 so i can dip in if needed. ((haveing my car broken into kinda messed stuff up.))

Friday, November 7, 2008


well i have been very busy dealign with "life" yes life.

while with my list of Doom i have put any new projects on hold, (( but i hope i can finish my winter jacket before ... you know spring or something.)) because of NaNo which mim makeign DECENT progress. i should be arrount 10000 words and im only at 5000 so i need to bust chops and write!

i lost 2 days from my car being broken into. >_< luckely my goal is 35000 but im secreatly hoping to get a "win" this year! :D yay.

i also need new tires and such. :: frownie face:: i think next weekend will be the weekend of "gettign ye old car fixeded" ie: oil change, New Tires, and hopefully heat. i actually hope to get heat THIS weekend. or early part of next week. (( when the broke into the car the broke my heat. JERKS.)) BLAH BLAH BLAH.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

thoughts passing in the breaze

::SLOW SAGE NODS:: i think the 101 challenge is what i needed. i seem to be more centered. or atleast i have goals... GASP GOALS! but also ive noticed my "crazy hectic life" is more chill now i guess because i now have a set pattern to live by on some account. i mean its not ok its 8pm time to floss, its more like, hmmm about to go to bed lets brush the ole pearly whites!

and as ive said, just trying to reconize bad/negative thoughts and not compleat them is making me happy. granted i rant, at lot. but im less rageful than before.

ahhh the zen of 101 things.

Monday, October 27, 2008

another one bites the dust

I got a fire proof safe on Friday night. YAY! so one more thing off the list, now when i clean out my room COMPLEATLY i can store other things in there i've already put in stuff like my passport, proof of insurance, birth certificate etc.


also been working on the 100 pushup challenge. i have YET to move onto week 2. >_< still doing week 1. but im hoping to move onto week 2 next week, and from there just hammer them out. :D ive noticed my tummy is looking "tighter" :D YAY (( about friggen time))

slowly and steadly hacking down the days on other stuff and im sure that starting November 1st all extra energy will go towards NaNo. so proably a posting lull in compleated activities. but i do have a plan for a few more things to start up. but December/January will proably be the months i will REALLY start to progress through the list.

in progress 32/98
completed 3/101

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

in the right frame of mind

so ive noticed that actually FOCOUSEING on postive thoughts is makeing me be more postive... WHUT! well im not dwelling, and yes there are good days and bad days i find im just letting it ride a lot sooner than normally. such as i will stop myself BEFORE i finish the though or evenr start to formulate it in my head.


it was something ive noticed a little the last few days but REALLY today. i kinda have a tendancy to develope road rage if left unchecked. ie: exhasperate with all the idiot drivers who cut me off, speed and are generally unsafe.

its very nice to see im improving only after a few days. i cant wait to see what half a year does to me.


also i turned on at least 1 person to the list. :D yay! spread the disease!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

:D happy fun!

as i go on, compleating more from my list slowly making headway in other areas im ... content. really i think this thing is the ground i needed. more so because i see the long term over short term.

my art list will be posted on DA. and i will start it up in a few weeks. >_< its an average of a character sheet every 10 days. ie: i will be designing a 101 character design challenge. im going to think up a "reward" prize for myself. HAHAHA. something art related for this cause its MASSIVE. :D

the DA link is :

in progress 30/99
completed 2/101

Monday, October 20, 2008


Oh my.

so much to work on! so much i AM worken on. its amazing but also a little overwhelming.

got up and did pushups today, tried a new rescipe this weekend, cut out fabric for the coat, did Sudoku, kept up with things that are currently going and just formulating a way to do more.

life is great! overwhelming, but great.

Friday, October 17, 2008

friday... man oh man

gave blood last night, did pushups this morning, did some sudoku last night.

Next week i will do 100 pushup challenge week 1 again. i cheated a bit on wednesday. i only did 3 sets of real pushups then finished up with girls. blah. id rather build up my strength early and easy into that get my but whipped week 3 or 4. oi

BUT the pushups were MUCH easier today and my form was great. :D i did real pushups all the way through. WHOO! i also stopped doing situps for wednesday and friday im sure the combo of situps AND pushups is what KILLED me. oi

anywho. chugging right along.

in progress 26/100
completed 1/101

Thursday, October 16, 2008

how it goes.

The List:
So, i am proably going to create 2 new goals and replace the last 2 in my finiancal ones. why? they ARE goals, but also i see them more as rewards. while i looked through many other lists and these were goals, in face thats where i got the idea, i personally like to think of it as a reward/penalty system.

ANYWAYS. still sore, oh LORDS am i sore. i will proably do week 1 next week as well. why? well... IM SORE! haha. while i have noticed it was "easier" but painful to do the pushups, i dont wanna throw myself into week 2 or 3 when im not ready. my upper body strength is... non existant. SO yeah i personally think doing week 1 again wont kill me, or throw off the "system" it even says to re-do the week if you feel you must. so yes. next week i plan on begining to re-tinker my work out scedule i WAS useing, so i can begin when i start week 3 or 4 to be doing more than JUST pushups and situps. :D

not eating fast food has gone well. granted i didn't eat fastfood/takeout EVERY day, but i was growing to do it 2-3 times a week, which i like to keep it at 2-3 times a MONTH if that. SO i haven't noticed missing it yet, but im sure there will be times. granted i am allowing to eat things prepared when ordered (( chipotle, noodles, and sub shops)) while yes these ARE fast food, they can be healither and i am contiously going the healthier option on these. so its not tradeing 1 for the other really cause i did go to subway 1 day this week, it was due to time constraints, where before hand i would have done a drive through.

all other health stuff is going along as planned. :D ie- well. i AM drinking more water... proably up to 7-8 Fl Oz. a day now. i just have to DOUBLE that ... EWWW (( i HATE water))

Do Gooder:
I donate blood today. :D YAY. (( im sure i can. ive been taking vitimans so my iron should be up! which is what i NORMALLY have an issue with and get rejected. yay iron!)) and im hopeign to add a few inches to the scarf this weekend. :D

have a slew of stuff going on, and plan to start up a few more things this weekend. hopefully i can organize ALL my computer files by 10-25-2008 and also have the itunes done as well. that has taken me MUCH longer than antisipated. >_<

well i KNOW i have more in savings than 500, but i cant check my statement untill i go INTO a bank and ask OR get my quartley statement. but i know i have at least 500. (( whoot!)) so it will proably stay there for a bit. i REALLY need to do online banking. >_<

i also put my FIRST $10.00 in the bank for getting the library card. WHOO!

i feel like im makeing headway AND ITS AWESOME

in progress 22/100
completed 1/101

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

its a going

i am SO SORE. its a good sore though. like the sore of muscles going, woah... what! we are alive! WHOOO. but it hurts to move about much.

anyways, i'm working on my computerand have hit a snag. i have NO idea how im going to organize my music. mainly because i have 3 computers worth of files all organized differently.

i will be kicking this around in my head today. i wanna have a master backup of the music, but also have ti run from the drive dedicated TO music. (( i have multi partitioned hard drives, to alocate different files to different areas to try to prevent massive data loss.)) but the problem in that was when i began the back up it was more of a "lets throw all the files here and do it later. BLEAH.

oh well.

OH i also mad my blood donation apointment. :D for thursday 10/16/2008 sweeeeet. another goal in gear to compleation!

in progress 21/100
completed 1/101

Monday, October 13, 2008

Start out with a BANG

well, first off i am EXHAUSTED.

mainly due to poor sleep, HOWEVER i was abel to drag myself outta bed and begin the 100 pushup challenge! yay! startign at level 2 >_< BUT most people start there or level 3. i am also doing situps as well. (( i WILL have a tone tummy!)) also started no fast food for 90 days. its AWESOME! Jacob is actually the one who asked me " when are you doing that" and he helped me define what fast food is. cause it could be anything really. but we decided that pretty much if its premade sittign under a heat lamp for consumption its fast food. (( this leaves opean sub shops, chipotle and noodles)) granted i dont eat those places to much anyways, but urg. i was so suprised but tickled pink that jacob was all about me doing the 101 challenge. i mean i didn't want to force my goals onto him but he seems happy to co-exsist. i think its also the fact that i've been ALL about this.

been doing really well with vitimans and brushing/flossing.

other things? started my first red scarf, praticed sewing ((fixed/altered a pair of pants)) prepareing for NaNoWriMo, STILL working on the Word list for art. and a few others. OH MAN.

let the fun begin!

in progress 20/100
completed 1/101

Thursday, October 9, 2008

day 2

So i did some digging around APPARENLY my 55 level goal was lofty. i want to give myself atainable goals. nothing you know... redicilious. SO i lowered it to 50. 50 is doable. :D

chugging away. amost have my art list done! :D i revised that one also. it will be a list of character designs. (( to ge me drawing people)) BUT im REALLY exciteid. XD i wanna work on it NOW. but alas i need to FINISH the list and 2 other art project BEFORWE i start up on the 101 character designs.... HOHO. i will post it when i'm doen though! then on to one of the many OTHER lists (( only 5 lists on the big list, BUT i also mean the smaller every day lists... >_<))

in progress 11/100
completed 1/101

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 1

:D i already have a task done! i kinda cheated, but i honestly did not expect to actually complete it. yesterday i went to the local library to investigate the "library card" deal. you know how to get one etc, and surprise! i currently have one in my possession. all i needed was an id, i expected an id with mail ((which i didn't have on me.))

It just felt like it was going to be a daunting task of paper work and identification (( like everything else)). but really... it wasn't... it was so easy it shocked me. so i just got the card anyways. :D

Completed: 1/101
Working on: 7/100

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Game start

now that i have MADE the list, its time to start.

Making this list took me almost 2 weeks. i didn't want to have trivial ho-hum "pet the cat" type stuff. these are ALL things i plan on doing anywyas. i just needed to get them down.

and now i have a finish by this time goal.

Game start!